Pesticide package deposit system

  • 100
  • 50 萬/噸
  • 165 萬/噸
Introduction to background

China is a large country where a tremendous amount of pesticide is used. There are about 3.5 to 4 billion pesticide packages discarded each year, weighing up to 100,000 to 180,000 tons. Due to the weak awareness of environmental protection and lack of scientific and effective recycling system, a large number of packages are discarded in field, ditches and rivers, forming an important source of agricultural non-point source pollution and affecting the safety of agricultural ecosystem.

In recent years, the state and local governments have attached great importance to safe recycling and disposal of pesticide packages, and actively issued and tried relevant policies. Solving the problem of pesticide package pollution will greatly reduce farmland and environmental pollution. It is associated with the green and sustainable agricultural development, and the construction of ecological civilization in China. It is also a steadfast practice of our responsibility for green ecology, “lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets.”


Based on many years of experience in designing deposit schemes for recycling of disposable standard packages overseas and actual recycling of pesticide packages in China, INCOM has designed a deposit system solution for pesticide package recycling, and built an information management platform for deposit-based pesticide package recycling, to perform the information-based monitoring of pesticide packages in the entire process from sales and recycling to transfer.

Software product

INCOM’s information management platform for deposit-based pesticide package recycling has been widely applied by county-level and city-level government authorities, business operation units and social service enterprises involving pesticide use scenarios based on the situation in China.
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Successful cases

Baoqing project of Heilongjiang
Baoqing project of Heilongjiang

In 2018, the Baoqing County People’s Government of Heilongjiang together with INCOM implemented the “Baoqing • INCOM deposit-based pesticide package recycling” model, established 234 pesticide package waste recycling stations throughout the county, and appoint low-income and marginal families to carry out recycling. By the end of 2018, 100% of pesticide packages had been recycled in that year. This model was highly recognized by national and provincial ministries or departments, such as the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

Luxian project of Sichuan
Luxian project of Sichuan

In 2019, the Luxian Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Sichuan and INCOM jointly developed a “Sichuan Luxian deposit system for pesticide package recycling”, to make full use of information resources to improve the government’s regulatory platform, form a closed loop of information traceable in the full process of “purchase, sales, storage and recycling” of pesticide, effectively supervise the entire chain, and promote the standardized, traceable and conforming deposit system for pesticide package recycling.

Qingshen project of Sichuan
Qingshen project of Sichuan

In December 2019, Yingchuang pesticide packaging waste deposit recovery system officially landed in Qingshen county. The first 110 sales outlets in Qingshen county were connected to the deposit recovery system of pesticide packaging waste, and the safety recovery of pesticide packaging information was carried out in an all-round way.

Actual effects

  • Being independent of the conventional model supported solely by the government’s financial subsidies, this model provides a long-term benefit driver to make recycling sustainable and replicable.
  • Promotion of the farmers initiative to participate in deposit-based pesticide package recycling, with an intention rate of nearly 90%.
  • Combination of recycling and targeted poverty alleviation for a bumper harvest in both ecology and poverty alleviation.
  • Giving full play to the advantages of the information platform for efficient and safe recycling, full-process traceability, and intelligent, fine and scientific government supervision.
  • The system and recycling terminal are easy to operate, with a high public acceptance.
  • The project features the short construction duration, rapid deployment, fast training, and quick results.

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